Poor bear. But what a happy baby.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
He found the heart...
I heard Noah panting in his room when he was supposed to be taking a nap. When he breathes like that it usually means he is up to something. This is what I found.
Poor bear. But what a happy baby.
Poor bear. But what a happy baby.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Noah Update

He has learned how to say please almost all by himself and knows when to use it. It makes saying no a million times harder when that desperate little face says "pweez! pweez! pwee pweez!) It sounds just like pretty please.
He loves to read "bups" (books) and asks for them multiple times a day. Most of the time he wants me to read them but occasionally he does the talking which I love! He moves his head around and uses different tones in his jibber jabber language that makes it look so much like he is really reading. So funny.
Probably my favorite cute thing he does lately is when he talks about Jesus. We taught him how to say Jesus over a month ago as we walked the halls at church with him on Sundays and would show him the pictures on the walls. He recognizes him in every church picture we show him, even the kids picture like you would see in the Friend. He has a picture hanging in his bedroom which he says good night to every night. He waves and blows kisses to him. And lately whenever he sees my computer he says Jesus meaning that he wants to watch a Bible Video. We have watched this same one over and over and over. Easily over twenty times. Just in the past few days. Here is a link to it : Suffer the Little Children to Come unto Me. I really do think that little children remember their Savior. It is sweet to see that in my own baby.
Check those videos out sometime if you have not already. They are very well done. I will try to figure out how to post an embedded video here soon. It has been quite a while since I have done that and I can not remember how anymore.
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Back to Blogging
Over a year has past since I last posted on this blog. And so much has happened! I am not even going to try to cover everything I have missed in a year. I makes me sad actually that I did not document Noah's first year of life better. Sure I have tons of photos saved to my computer and have written in my journal but it would have been nice to have them all in one place. I guess that is why I am back.
I have felt for some time now that I need to blog again. I feel like I need to document the history my little family is making. I want to keep my friends and extended family better up to date on how we are doing and be able to have a place where I can go and remember the cute things Noah says and does. And I feel like if I put myself out there and share things that are really important to me then maybe I can be an influence for good in someones life.
And you know what? I really do like blogging! I am excited to be back and look forward to sharing our story with you.
Note: I have made a few changes to the blog. The name has changed to "The Bomans" as well as the blog address: thebomans.blogspot.com
Pretty simple.
Wednesday, January 2, 2013
A Birth Story: Part 1
Dear Noah, the day of your birth, and the weeks following, are the happiest memories I have. I often find myself reflecting on those first moments with you feeling overcome with joy at being your mother. I thank Heavenly Father often for the sweet blessing he gave me on October 23rd.
Here is the story of your birth...
Your due date, October 18th, had come and gone and we were at yet another doctors appointment on the 22nd for an ultrasound. It was about 10:30 in the morning when we were told that we needed to deliver that day. (The placenta looked very "ripe", or ready to deliver, in the ultrasound.) We were told to go home and get our things together, have something to eat, and wait for a phone call from labor and delivery saying they are ready for us to come in. We were given an estimate of about 2-3 hours until they would be ready.
An induction was not how I had planned to go into this delivery. I was hoping to have an epidural free birth and I knew that would be much harder to do with a started labor. I was nervous as we drove home, even a little afraid. I was also very excited, this was the day we had been waiting for! The house was all ready to welcome home a new little member of our family, and I was ready to be a mother, but anxiety still worked its way in and I could not help but cry from all that I was feeling. I also knew that I should do my best to try to sleep until we were called in. It had been a very early morning and I knew that it would be a very long day. But sleep was not easily achieved with so much on my mind.
And so we waited. And waited. And waited. After about 4 hours I decided to call in and see how things were going. I was informed that it was a very busy day and that women kept coming in already in labor and that they needed to give them the available rooms. The told me to wait another 2 hours and then call back if I had not heard from them by then. This went on all day. We tried to make the most of it, going out to lunch (Great Harvest, yummy!) going to the store to buy a 0 candle, and taking it very easy at home. My mom came that evening to lend her help while we were in the hospital and for the first week of being home. She was so sweet to do that. I will forever be grateful for her help!
We were finally told to come in at 1 am on Tuesday the 23rd. It was so peaceful on the drive to the hospital. It seemed very surreal that we would not be returning home as a family of two anymore, but a family of three. Exhausted and still very anxious we arrived at Logan Regional Hospital, made our way to Labor and Delivery and got settled into our room. I was given some medicine to start the labor as well as a sleeping pill and was finally able to get some rest. This was going to be a long day.
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Due Date...
40 weeks pregnant and still going strong! |
Here a a few photos of my nest:
the nest |
baby bed (my belly tends to get in the way these days) |
baby station |
baby clothes |
more baby clothes |
baby socks and hats |
Monday, October 15, 2012
Chubby Cheeks...
We got another look at our baby boy today. All is going well. The due date is this Thursday. We are really hoping that this is the week we get to meet him. I will be sure to keep you all posted.
I love my baby.
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Cute little nose. His hand is in front of his mouth. Can you see his closed eyes and chubby cheeks? |
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Looking forward to kissing that sweet little face. |
Saturday, October 13, 2012
The Bapron...
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Photo Courtesy of CINO |
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Photo Courtesy of CINO |
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Photo Courtesy of CINO (isn't she cute?!) |
I made my own bias tape mostly to be sure I got the color I wanted but also to save some money. It would have gone a lot faster had I just bought some but that is just fine with me. If you are interested in making your own here is a wonderful tutorial from MADE which I used to make mine. (ps. I love this blog.) These would be ten times better if I had used oil cloth instead of cotton so that you could just wipe the mess off instead of having to wash the whole bib but I was going for economical with these ones. Next time perhaps...
Now I just need to find some great boy fabric and make some for my little one!
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