First, you are all probably
dieing to know how the
baby shoes turned out. So I will tell you. Last night I made one but it was just not looking right. The top of the shoe was puckering up funny and I didn't like it so this morning I tried again. I was trying to make a nice finish on the raw edges of the fabric last night and should have followed this great
tutorial on Bias Tape (from my favorite blog) but didn't and am pretty sure that is why it was puckering the way it did. Anyways, today I ended up just folding the top over and stitching all the way around which looked pretty good. I also remembered to sew in the strap which I forgot to do last night. The one shoe I made this morning looks very cute. Now I just need to make another one and snap a picture of it to share with you.
After I made my shoe I went up to campus to have lunch with Sage. We had yummy
pizza leftovers (we make this quite often) and then went off to class. I have one class from 1:30-2:45 and another one from 3:30-4:20. I completely forgot about my later class today. Probably because I don't have it on Thursday when I only go to my 1:30 class but whatever the reason, I just didn't go. It is my Chemistry class which is not a good one to miss so wish me luck on the upcoming test! (yikes....)
On a happier note, Sage and I had a great time on campus (while I was supposed to be in class) just passing time until I had to go to work. We found a cute little spot next to Old Main that we plan to have lunch at sometime. It is a secluded picnic spot with bright robins egg blue tables and chairs. Loved it.
This is Old Main for those who have never been to Utah State University. |
Then we went and walked around Old Main Hill which was very relaxing. It is nice to just take a break sometimes and enjoy life. We love the trees on campus and I have a new desire to learn the names of all the trees on this hill. We felt like little kids walking on the fallen pine cones and wanting to bad to climb up a tree. We will probably be going back some evening to try that :)
On the way to work we stopped at a beautiful oak tree which I had never looked closely at even though it is in the middle of campus. There were cute little fallen acorns covering the ground around the tree. Sage and I got talking and wondered, "can we eat acorns?" We were not sure, so I did some research at work and found some interesting things.
White Oak Acorn |
First: I am pretty sure the tree we found was a White Oak. I compared the leaves and the acorns to some information on the Internet and it looks the same.
Second: Yes, people can eat acorns if they prepare and cook them properly. I found this very interesting, and useful web page that has more information than I could post about so I will just provide the link
here.This woman has done quite a bit of research and has provided instructions for preparing and cooking acorns, as well as some fun recipes I would like to try. I am excited about trying the bread recipe and am intrigued by acorn cheese cake.
Third: I hope that you had just as great of a day as I did and if you try one of the acorn recipes please share your comments below.
Thanks for stopping by!
*DISCLAIMER: I am not an acorn expert. I found this information after a small amount of research. There are many people for an against eating acorns. If you choose to eat an acorn you are at your own personal risk. Do your own research and then make a decision. DO NOT put your trust in me on this one. I plan to do some more research myself as well. That's all. Have a great day!