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Monday, September 19, 2011

Feeling Creative

Today has been a great day! I was on time to all of my classes except one... (7:30 is so hard for me) Stayed awake in every class (it was difficult) and learned some fun things. I am really enjoying this semester. For those of you who don't know, I am studying Family and Consumer Science Education which will license me to teach middle school-high school home economics classes. Very fun degree! I am taking a food literacy class where I spend 3 hours every Friday evening in a lab learning how to cook! We learned what a roux is and how to make it, basic sauces and soups today. I am also in a Chemistry class (learning about the periodic table right now) a Marriage and Family Relationships class, an Interior design class and my very favorite..... Sewing! (it is actually called basic clothing construction) By far the best class I have every had. I love learning with my hands and that is what this class is all about. I learned how to thread and use a serger in class today which was difficult but I will keep practicing at it. 

This Last Christmas, Sage gave me a darling Bernina Sewing Machine (found at Deseret Industries and fixed by his dad). And today I was feeling rather creative and really wanting to sew something. So I dusted off Bernina, threaded her up, and looked through my patterns.

 I got this pattern on sale at Jo Anns this summer and decided to give it a try today. So far I have only cut out and pinned the fabric together but I will sew them up as soon as my honey wakes up from his nap. I shoes I am making will look similar to the blue and pink one in the picture (middle row, right column). I wish I had a camera and could take step by step pictures as I go along but maybe I can get someone to take a picture of the finished product for me so I can show everyone. I am using sage green and white stripped fleece for the main part of the shoe and some dark brown leather-look-a-like for the strap. I think I might sew a tiny R and L on the bottom of each shoe out of that same leather-look-a-like fabric. Maybe... we will see.

Well, back to my project I go. Have a great day!


  1. Way cute shoes Emma! I should make some for Addie! I have Grandma Rosella Boman's sewing machine now while they are on their mission. Glad I found your blog!

  2. I like the cow and the ladybug ones :)
