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Monday, October 3, 2011


Wasn't that a great General Conference Weekend? I thoroughly enjoyed every minute. This was the fist conference that I did not doze off in. I stayed awake for every talk! That is quick incredible for me. If you missed a session or want to go back and re-watch or listen to one, go here. I would include a link to my favorite talk but it is so difficult to decide on one. It was all wonderful and very uplifting.
On a different note... I would like to introduce you to the Chevron Baby Blanket.

A darling design by the purl bee. (Check out their pattern here.) I saw this last week on their website and thought it would be so much fun to make. And then seeing it posted on Made in cute little girl colors, I have now decided that I must try to make this. I have not knitted anything for quite a while but I will learn again. Now... how is it that you cast on....?


  1. I like that blanket, too. I love Purl. Wish we lived closer and we could each make one together! Love you!

  2. I was just looking through that cute book you gave me with more of their patterns in it wishing that we lived closer so that we could make cute things together. I miss you and love you and wish I had your knitting skills :)

  3. Emma if you want help let me know.
    Ruth Shallbetter

  4. Thanks Ruth! I might have to take you up on that if I can find some time to get started :)
