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Friday, January 6, 2012

Still Here!

This break from work and school has been everything I hoped it would be. It has been so nice spending time with my husband, seeing family, eating good food, celebrating the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and welcoming in the New Year. I hope that you all have had a safe and happy holiday as well. I took a few pictures over the break that I thought would sum up the fun we have been having pretty well. Here you go!

The day we left our little home in Logan.

In-law's house. (Before presents.)
In-law's house. (After presents.) Not sure how I managed to get feet in each picture :) Check out the stocking I made Sage! It is on the far left of the mantle. I have  one just like it. The white fabric is super soft.
Temple Square visit with my side of the family.
Beautiful Salt Lake City Temple.
Tucanos Brazilian Grill with In-Law's. (Celebrating my father-in-law's birthday) Delicious grilled pineapple.
Skype video call with brother-in-law on a mission to Chile. 
Cute sister-in-law and mother-in-law playing Jenga during Skype call.
Back in Logan now and still playing Jenga. Thank you Holly! Had no idea that Sage loved it so much.
First day with Naomi for the semester! Naomi and I have been good friends for a little over a year now. Here is a picture of her the first week I began my nanny job last year: 
Love this little darling.
We have a lot of fun together.

And that is what we have been up to for the past few weeks.
Have a great Day!

Ps. I have finally updated the About Me tab! Took me a while to get those baby pictures. Click here to check it out.

Final note: For those who were keeping track, I have not posted the remaining twelve dates of Christmas. I was having too much fun to post all of them. (that and I just stopped counting!)

1 comment:

    I'd like to note that I took that picture of Baby Naomi on my bed from when we used to live together.
    I miss the babe...and you of course!
