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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Baby Boman 20 Week Ultrasound

There he is everyone!

Yes, I said he. It's a baby boy!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Today is a recipe day. This is my favorite lasagna recipe that my mom made often growing up. Hope you enjoy!

Lasagna (Karen-Mom version)

Prep time: 45 min.
Bake time: 30 min.
Serves: 8

- lasagna noodles
- 1 can (26.5 oz.) spaghetti sauce
- 1 large container cottage cheese
- 6 oz. shredded mozarella cheese
- Parmesan cheese

Preheat oven: 375 degrees F. Cook lasagna per package directions. Drain. In a 9'x13' baking pan, layer lasagna noodles, cottage cheese, mozzarella cheese and spaghetti sauce. Make 2 layers. Sprinkle Parmesan cheese on top. Bake 30 min. Let stand 10 min before serving. 

Note: This is also delicious with cooked ground beef added to the sauce. Makes it a little heartier.

Have a great Tuesday everyone!

ps. Doctors visit tomorrow afternoon to take a peek and that little bump there. Boy or girl? We shall see! Last chance to make a guess! 

*photo courtesy of Mirranda Mott. Check out her Facebook page here.

Monday, May 28, 2012


Sweet Grandpa Boman brought me this darling rose from his flower bed this weekend. He is such a great grandpa, always saying nice things and giving me hugs. He loves me like I was born into the family. I have the rose in some water on my desk and I love smelling it as I walk by.

My darling husband also did a very nice thing for me this weekend. It was very out of the blue and such a  surprise. For those of you who do not know of Stephanie Nielson, she is my hero. She has a great blog and an amazing story. She is a great example to me of having hope and never giving up. I admire the wife and mother that she is and the person that she has become from the experiences she has gone through. If you do not know of her, start with this video.

Then check out her blog,  and then read her book. Which brings me to the big surprise. Sage bought me her book! It is wonderful. There is a digital preview of the first few chapters on the right hand side of her blog. 

Oh, and have a great Monday!

Monday, May 21, 2012


I felt the first big wiggle on May 4th, in my Nanny's kitchen. (Nanny is my grandma.) It was so exciting! It was less of a thump and more of a roll/rub. Ever since then I have felt all sorts of movements from this little baby of mine. It makes this pregnancy thing seem so much more real and makes me so much more excited to meet this little wiggler. I love to imagine what he/she is going to look like and what their personality will be. We go to the doctor again on May 30th to find out if baby is a he or a she and I can not wait. If you would like to make a guess, leave a comment!

ps. I love my baby SO MUCH if you had not already guessed.