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Thursday, September 27, 2012

Baby bump...

I was looking through some old pictures on our computer the other day and had to laugh at some of the earlier pregnancy pictures I had taken thinking that my belly was so big and finally showing when it was just a little bump. There is not hiding it now. (This was one of those rare days when I actually wore real clothes. Believe me that those pants were quickly changed once my errands were over.)

As much as I am ready for this baby to be in my arms and not in my belly, I really have enjoyed being pregnant. It has been very easy compared to what so many other women have to go through which I am very grateful for. I still get excited when I feel this little guy wiggle inside of me. Even when his little feet find the most uncomfortable spot to wedge themselves into, it makes me happy thinking that he is in there and doing well. I sure do love this little baby of mine.

ps. Today marks week 37. That leaves only 3 more weeks until the due date. Which means that if baby boy were born today, he would not be considered premature. What a relief. I do not feel bad now wishing that he would come soon. But I will keep being patient because as my sister said, the world is a scary place and he can just stay inside his safe little corner until he is ready to come out.

1 comment:

  1. I was 37 weeks when I had my Chloe! Any day now girlie! Good luck with everything and I can not wait to see him! :)
