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Saturday, November 19, 2011

Snow, Date and Pumpkin Pie!

This is what Logan looked like all day yesterday. It started to snow as I was walking to campus in the morning and did not stop until I came home from work that night. It is so beautiful! I love the snow. It just puts me into a good mood. When it snows, I find myself singing Christmas songs and dreaming of hot chocolate. It is such a magical thing.

Today Sage and I went on a date. We paid 26.89 (plus tax) for a movie, hot chocolate, and an oil change form the Walmart Tires and Lube center. The movie was Where the Red Fern Grows and the hot chocolate was piping hot. We did not finish out movie though. A little boy came in and wanted to change it to The Jungle Book 2. We let him. Then we went and looked at fabric for a shirt I am going to make. We were interrupted again as the intercom announced "Sage Boman, your car is ready to pick up." It was a nice date.

Now we will begin preparations for our Thanksgiving trip to Montana. We are very excited to see family and eat good food. My family does a silly things called a "sock swap" where we all draw names and buy a pair of socks for that person. We will be doing that during this visit which will be quite fun.

If you do not hear from me for the next week or so, it is because I will be extremely busy with school, Montana Prep, having fun with my family, and eating pumpkin pie.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!

Friday, November 11, 2011

So ready for a weekend.

It sure has been a busy week. And Fridays are always the busiest of them all. Want to know how I spent my day today?

6:00 am - wake up
6:10 am- study for Chemistry exam
8:00 am - say good bye to Sage as he head up to Campus
8:15 am -  get ready for the day
9:00 am - head up to campus
9:30 am - take Chemistry test, very hard,  not expecting a great grade
10:30 am - sewing class, working on a pair of dress pants
12:30 pm - leave sewing class a few minutes late
12:40 pm - arrive to work (the engineering computer lab on campus) a few minutes late
1:30 pm - leave work, eat lunch (cottage cheese with peaches, yummy)
2:00 pm - back in sewing room fixing a mistake on pants
2:30 pm - arrive at cooking lab (we made breakfast food today, also yummy. I can now flip a crepe, pretty neat.)
4:30 pm - leave lab, look for Sage(we have one phone, makes meeting up on campus kind of interesting)
4:40 pm - find Sage, walk to work. Talk with Sage outside of work (have not seen each other all day remember)
5:20 pm - someone from work saw me and asked me to cover them from 5:30-7 (my normal shift is from 7-10:30)
5:30 pm - come to work (study for my online Interior Design exam)
6:00 pm - take my Interior Design (online, and timed) exam, what I was planning on doing before I came to work I am now doing at work.
6:55 pm - finish exam with 5 minutes to spare
6:55 pm - bathroom/drinking fountain break (found Sage in Lab, gave a kiss)
7:00 pm - begin working on my Interior Design report
9:00 pm - finish and submit my report
9:10 pm - shut down half of the computers
9:20 pm - Sudoku break
9:30 pm - talk to Sage (I love Sage)
9:40 pm - begin writing blog post
10:00 pm - finish and publish blog post
10:00 pm - finish Sodoku
10:15 pm - begin shutting off more computers (reminding people of our closing time)
10:30 pm - close the lab (after I gently kick people out)
10:35 pm - drive home with Sage
10:40 pm - arrive at home
11:00 pm - find bed, pillow and soft blanket
11:05 pm - sound asleep.

Okay, so I just guessed what I will be doing from when I finished writing the post until I fall asleep, but I am pretty predictable. That was my busy day. (wondering how many people actually ready it to the end) Well to wrap it up, I have a headache, my consistent Friday night pal. And I could not be happier that tomorrow is Saturday. And then the next day is Sunday. Oh, how I love the weekend.

Hope you all had a great day and enjoy your weekend! I know I sure will!

Friday, November 4, 2011

Look Up

Photo found on Google Images. Source is: www.adventuroo.com
The General Conference edition of the Ensign came to our home today. I love being able to read and reread these wonderful talks.

I stayed awake through all of conference this year. But, I did miss most of one talk when I needed to slip out of the room for a moment. It was the talk given by Elder Carl B. Cook of the Seventy titled: "It Is Better to Look Up."

In this talk he tells of an experience he had shortly after being called as a general authority. On a day when he was feeling particularly overwhelmed by his new calling, he learned a great lesson from our prophet, President Thomas S. Monson. Elder Cook had been looking down at the floor of the elevator he was in when President Monson joined him asking, "What are you looking at down there?" He replied, "Oh, nothing." Then smiling, President Monson said to him while pointing heavenward, "It is better to look up!"

I would continue paraphrasing his great talk but then you would have no need to read it yourself! So, go read it. It will be well worth your time. I have a testimony that by looking to the Savoir, Jesus Christ, our burdens will be made lighter and we will have more motivation to continue our journey in this life. I know He lives and I am grateful for his guiding hand in my life.

If ever you are feeling particularly overwhelmed, remember, it is better to look up!

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; 
And lean not unto thine own understanding. 
In all thy ways, acknowledge Him, 
And He will direct thy paths. "
~ Proverbs 3:5-6

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

I Love Christmas!

Sage brought me dinner while I was at work tonight, along with some early-Christmas presents. Among the presents was this darling nativity. He knew how much I have been wanting one and thought that I might want to use it to decorate before Christmas. He was right :) He also found a little silver saucer that matches my silver baby cup my grandparents gave me when I was born. And he got us a working can opener, and some darling Christmas tree cookie cutters. They were just little gifts but they meant so much coming from him. When I gave me the nativity he told me that there were so many to choose from and he had a hard time picking one. But when he saw the word "first" in this one he had made up his mind because this is our "first" Christmas together. Does it get any sweeter?? I love him.

And I love this idea for a Christmas treat! I stumbled upon it while looking for Thanksgiving treat ideas. I am definitely going to try it. It would make a great neighbor Christmas gift. Here is a brief description but be sure to take a look at the full tutorial here.

You take this:

And this:

Assemble it to look like this:

Add a some warm milk and you get this:

The tutorial has the recipes as well as some darling instruction tags that you can attach to the stick to give away as a gift. So cute! Had to share.